Baja el Korean Journal of Orthodontics de Agosto del 2012

Tenemos ahora el número de agosto del 2012 del Korean Journal of Orthodontics, el cual incluye temas como:

  • Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the deformation of the human mandible: a preliminary study from the perspective of orthodontic mini-implant stability
  • A method for mandibular dental arch superimposition using 3D cone beam CT and orthodontic 3D digital model
  • Differences in molar relationships and occlusal contact areas evaluated from the buccal and lingual aspects using 3-dimensional digital models
  • Relationship between Class III malocclusion and hyoid bone displacement during swallowing: a cine-magnetic resonance imaging study
  • Evaluation of anxiety level changes during the first three months of orthodontic treatment
  • Histologic effects of intentional-socket-assisted orthodontic movement in rabbits

Entre otros temas de gran interés para todos nosotros. Aquí esa el link para bajarlo.

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