Baja el Baja el Angle Orthodontist de julio del 2013

anglejjul13A unos días de que el mes de julio arranque, ya tenemos el Angle Orthodontist, el cual contiene temas como:

  • Effectiveness of computer-assisted orthodontic treatment technology to achieve predicted outcomes
  • Maxillary growth and maturation during infancy and early childhood
  • Effect of premolar extraction on mandibular third molar impaction in young adults
  • Eruption of the permanent maxillary canines in relation to mandibular second molar maturity
  • Effects of severity and location of nonsyndromic hypodontia on craniofacial morphology
  • Deglutitive tongue movement after correction of mandibular protrusion
  • Effects of long-term occlusal hypofunction and its recovery on the morphogenesis of molar roots and the periodontium in rats
  • Effect of text message follow-up on patient’s self-reported level of pain and anxiety  

Entre otros temas de interés para el ortodoncista y estudiante de ortodoncia. Aquí esta el link para bajarlo.

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