Baja el Angle Orthodontist de julio del 2014

aojul14Ya podemos bajar de manera gratuita los artículos del journal Angle Orthodontist de julio del 2014. Entre los artículos que podrás encontrar en este número tenemos:

  • Effect of socioeconomic status on normative and perceived orthodontic treatment need
  • Dental esthetics and quality of life in adults with severe malocclusion before and after treatment
  • Malocclusion and orthodontic treatment need evaluated among subjects with Down syndrome using the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI)
  • Measurement and comparison of bracket transfer accuracy of five indirect bonding techniques
  • An assessment of conventional and self-ligating brackets in Class I maxillary constriction patients

  • Three-dimensional tooth crown size symmetry in cleft lip and cleft palate
  • Comparison of skeletal anchored facemask and tooth-borne facemask according to vertical skeletal pattern and growth stage

Ademas de otros de gran interés para el ortodoncista. Aquí les dejo el link para bajarlo.


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