Baja gratis el International Journal of Orthodontics and Implantology (enero 2016)

cburstoneijoiEl Dr. Chris Chang recibe el 2016 dándonos este excelente ejemplar del International Journal of Orthodontics and Implantology, y es un número más que especial, ya que va dedicado a la memoria del Dr. Charles Burstone. Entre los artículos que tiene la revista encontramos los siguientes:

  • Class II Division 1 Malocclusion with 5 mm of Crowding Treated Non-Extraction with IZC Miniscrews Anchorag
  • Conservative Treatment of Severe Malocclusion in a 15y5m Nongrowing Female: Growth-like Skeletal Adaptation 3 Years Later
  • Class II, Excessive Overjet and Deep Bite with a Congenitally Missing Lower Incisor
  • Forty Consecutive Ramus Bone Screws Used to Correct Horizontally Impacted Mandibular Molars
  • Analysis of 3-Dimensional MBS Cortical Bone by Using CBCT: A retrospective study of extra-radicular miniscrew insertion on buccal shelves in Class III malocclusions.
  • Tips in solving clinical errors : Management of wire dislodgment
  • Dr. Charles J. Burstone – what he meant to me.

Aquí va el link para que lo bajen.

1 Comment

  1. juan antonio romero zarur 21/01/2016 at 12:49 pm



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